All Episodes

Wednesday, March 29, 2023 Episode 48 Hope in a Dark Place Part II - Mark Moore and Larrie Fraley

Today Mark & I continue with part II called, Hope in a Dark Place. We travel to Southeast Kenya to Kilifi County. Kilifi County is characterized b...

Wednesday, March 15, 2023 Episode 47 Hope in a Dark Place Part I - Mark Moore and Larrie Fraley

Mark Moore and I conducted this podcast in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya. Like other Nairobi slums, Mathare grew as a result of massive rural-to-urban m...

Wednesday, March 1, 2023 Episode 46 GameLife - D.J. Bosler

Today, I'm having a conversation with D.J. Bosler, a phenomenally creative leader who obeyed God and now runs one of the world's most rapidl...

Wednesday, February 15, 2023 Episode 45 Hope In Numbers - Gordon Wickert

I had the pleasure of meeting this amazing man of God. He has a unique gift of teaching people how to memorize. Emmy-nominated founder and lead pastor...

Wednesday, December 7, 2022 Episode 44 Season 1 Finale - Larrie Fraley

It's been a great year as we have been able to hear firsthand about what God is doing through the people we support at CCV. To be more precise, t...

Wednesday, November 30, 2022 Episode 43 Fulfilling the Great Commission - The Timothy Initiative

More than three billion people live in areas with few Bibles, Christians, churches, or people trying to reach them. Yet, only 3% of Christian workers ...

Wednesday, November 23, 2022 Episode 42 What is God Doing in China through CCV

Today we will talk with Jacob Park, a good friend and one the godliest man I know. He is the COO of CRAM. Their mission is to take the love of Jesus C...

Wednesday, November 16, 2022 Episode 41 - Reaching the Unreachable With Good News

God is moving in the world unlike at any time in history. With Christianity now centered in Africa with over 700 million Christians and China explodin...

Wednesday, November 9, 2022 Episode 40 - After Missions of Hope

Missions of hope have been a long-term mission partner of CCV. I highly encourage you to listen to episode 13, where the founders of missions of hope,...

Wednesday, November 2, 2022 Episode 39 GENEROSITY IS FOR EVERYONE, EVERYDAY

To inspire people to live generously is what Brad Formsma is all about. After meeting his amazing mother I understand where he gets. He is the founder...

Wednesday, October 26, 2022 Episode 38 - Helping Homeless Children in our own Backyard

Born out of a desire to serve the community, Dawn & Michael Rapaport started H.E.L.P. in 2012. While growing up, Dawn experienced seasons of Homel...

Wednesday, October 19, 2022 Episode 37 - Should Students Go on Mission Trips?

In this episode, I will be talking with two of the Youth Pastors here at CCV to get their perspective on students on mission trips.  Sending high scho...