Today I will be talking to Micah Foreman with Scriptures in Use. Scriptures in Use is reaching out to the hard places of the world. Places where the message of Jesus has never been heard. Places where cultural and linguistic barriers have isolated people from the transforming message of Jesus Christ.
SIU has developed powerful and effective methods to communicate through storytelling the great narratives of the Bible. Through dramatizations of the parables of Jesus and cultural adaptations of Scripture in Song, every believer is taught to become a Bible storyteller through which they become natural disciple-makers and trainers.
Oral learners are people all over the globe whose mental processes are primarily influenced by spoken rather than textual forms of communication. They, therefore, learn primarily or exclusively by speech, song, etc.
Oral communicators also learn information by spoken rather than textual means. Some do so out of necessity because they cannot read or write with understanding, but others simply prefer non-print forms of communication.
80% of the Earth’s People are “Oral-Preference Learners.”
Traditional literate evangelism techniques do not reach these people groups.
“Oral-Preference Learners” prefer to share and pass information, knowledge, and
history through oral communication. Many of them cannot read or write, while
others simply prefer non-print forms of communication.
There are an estimated 5.7 billion people who are oral learners. This includes
3 billion adults, 900 million very young children, and 450 million children between
the ages of eight and fifteen; all of these have basic or below basic literacy skills.
Christ’s Church of the Valley:
CCV Missions:
Pastor Larrie Fraley:
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